Welcome to my MLP Collection

Dream Drifter

Dream Drifter

I am Dove (she/her), I am: ancient, maths-driven, loves stats and ponies

I have 1,280 ponies, and my collection is growing by the day!

My most recent purchase was Dream Drifter (Gen 3). My most recent purchase was on 1 Aug 2024 - but the site continues to be updated as I work through my outstanding spa days and replace pictures.

In April 2015, I visited my mother and she asked my husband to fix something in her attic room. While he was up there, he called down to me, “Wife! Your ponies are ganging up on me.”

Mum had arranged them in a formation, as if Strawberry Fair was leading them to freedom.

My Original My Little Ponies

My Original My Little Ponies

I then sat down on the floor and explained the nature of the relationships between them. I swear husband’s eyes glazed over, but he later said that I was “the cutest thing ever”.

If you want to know, Strawberry Fair is best friends with Bouquet, and they adopted Snowflake (who has no cutie mark and no official name because she was a gift from the MLP Fanclub in the 80s), and I was pretty convinced that Daddy Apple Delight was in love with Strawberry Fair because Mommy Apple Delight appears a bit clingy. The only other male is Wigwam, but he never wanted to date anyone. Craig asked if he was gay, I thought he might be, but on reflection, I think he’s probably asexual, because he never craved any kind of romantic attachment.

Then we both decided that since Strawberry Fair and Bouquet were so close, and adopted a baby together, they might actually be a couple. They were certainly the leads in all of my stories back in the day.

Anyway I said I wanted to take some home with me. Then I said all of them (because the others can never know that they’re not my favourites). Then Craig asked where they’d live. So then I said none of them. Then I looked at them again. Then I said all of them.

With that decided, I got googling. At first my google searches were a bit general (how to wash doll hair), and then I got more specific, which led me to The My Little Pony Preservation Project.  Also, I used StrawberryReef.com to identify the ponies I couldn’t remember the names of.

Since then my collection has grown from my original 20 ponies rather significantly, and since I’m a geek as well as a collector, I decided to build a site to keep track of them. I currently have 1,280 ponies.

Note: I’ve pulled the data from My Little Wiki, however, I probably made some errors when converting their data into a spreadsheet/database. I’ve got a pony down as the wrong type/year/whatever. My bad, not theirs.

Also, note that some of the pictures are placeholders – anything with a pink background is a temporary image. Anything with a black background with the pony surrounded by gems are old pictures that need updating.

A funny story about that bloody Daily Mail article (18 Jul 2024)

I think we all know the article in question. A badly written piece in the Daily Mail with text that says how much the really rare ponies can go for, but with pictures of everyday ponies like Cotton Candy and Posey.

And I think we were all there when eBay was absolutely flooded by morons trying to sell Applejack for billions.

And I think it’s safe to say that we all hate that article.

(I suspect at least half of us have had that article forwarded to us by a well-meaning acquaintance being all, “Hey! Isn’t this the thing you’re into? You could be sitting on a gold-mine! lol”. To tell my personal tale, some random dude I barely knew, felt the need to mansplain to me that Mimic “might be worth something” and I “should really look into it more”, linking that article, when I was exclaiming on Facebook about how excited I was that my husband had found her and bought her for my birthday. Yes, Nigel, well done. You read a right-wing article about my hobby. Thanks for patronising me. Blocked.)

And we really hate that article.

Anyway, a school friend, let’s call her Sundance, posted to Facebook that she’d just seen a listing for Blossom (concave feet, collectors pose, common edition) for £500, and was laughing about how delusional people were, after all, Sundance had just bought a handful of MLPs from the charity shop for a handful of pennies. (Ok, I may be overselling how cheap she got them, I never asked. But since they were purchased on a whim by a non-collector, I’ll assume no more than £10.)

So, I cleared my throat, got on my soapbox, and started ranting about that bloody article, and how it had made people believe that common ponies would net them a house in the country and pay their five kids through uni, not to mention a holiday home in the Canary Islands. How infuriating it was that the article exists, because it really misleads people by giving Rapunzel prices with Applejack photos. How, let’s be real here, nobody is ever going to find a fortune in their attic because the ponies that are rare now were rare – or at least uncommon – back then. So yeah, you might have a ton of ponies in your attic, you might even have sea ponies, but you weren’t going to find the special ones because…

… hang on, is that Nachtlicht?

I perused her photos again. Yes. Yes, that’s definitely Nachtlicht.

Well fuck.

So, I messaged Sundance and told her to disregard all of my ranting and raving about how you’re never going to find a rare because she had, in fact, done exactly that.

I told her how much she was worth.

Sundance bricked it. She is not a collector. She is a mum who bought some toys for her kids to enjoy, and now she is responsible for something that is not as widely released as she thought. She invited me to make an offer and then set about prying Nachtlicht from her children’s hands.

I made an offer (which was very transparent as regards worth), which included an array of common ponies – including the one pony Sundance had as a child – to offset the loss her kids were feeling. They were pleased with that. It was very simple maths to them. Hand over three ponies (there were two other uncommons in there), and get seven back.

So yeah.

My friend Sundance just proved that fucking article right.

But I have Nachtlicht.

So everyone’s a winner here.

Except for the charity shop, I suppose.


A Tour of my Pony Room (9 Oct 2022)

Here you go. Have a look around my pony room. I made this video for PonyCon UK 2022.

Today’s purchases:

Lulabelle Dance Slippers Fair Weather Razzaroo Windy Wisp Bumblesweet Tea Lily

Recut My Little Pony: The Movie trailer (29 Nov 2020)

Check out my recut trailer for the original My Little Pony movie, where I try to make it as epic as I hope it was.


Strawberry Fair Army (16 Jun 2019)

My commissions arrived from Pandabear and they look amazing.

Check out my lovely Strawberry Army shelf (with a few Chocolate Chips, who is my secondary army).

Strawberry Fair Army

Today’s purchases:

Strawberry Fair Strawberry Fair

First Car Boot of the Season (24 Feb 2019)

Today I went to the first car boot of the season, and managed to get a pretty good haul:


Sweet Breeze
Guava Lava
Toola Roola

Celestia (large)
Celestia (Equestria Girls)
Rarity (large)
Spike (plush)

Total spend on ponies? £11.60. Win.

Today’s purchases:

Merriweather Guava Lava Sweet Breeze Toola-Roola Starsong Sunlight Princess Celestia Princess Celestia Spike

New Look (29 Dec 2018)

After years of having the same look, which was very clunkily implemented, I’ve given the site a very MLP-style makeover. And as soon as I can face it, we will migrate over to actual MLPCollection.com url.

Today’s purchases:

Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash


Mint on Card (4 Oct 2017)

I’ve never had any great desire for mint on card ponies. In fact, after seeing Toy Story 2, I’ve always felt sorry for toys that have never been played with.

However, today I thought I might as well add “my little pony moc strawberry fair” and “my little pony moc sugarberry” to my eBay alerts, so I could start getting an idea of the pennies I would need to save to buy her.

As it turned out, there was a MOC Strawberry Fair listed as a Buy It Now, for a very reasonable price. I hesitated for a moment or two, but my husband hopped up and down, screaming, “BUY IT! BUY IT RIGHT NOW!”

Well, that might be an exaggeration, but it he was certainly supportive.

And I will shortly have my hands on my very own MOC Strawberry Fair, something I haven’t experienced since about 1987.

Today’s purchases:

Strawberry Fair

Christmas Haul (26 Dec 2016)

Apparently I was a very good girl this year because three people bought me ponies for Christmas: husband; mother in law; and niece.

My mother in law, who freely admits that she sniped a bundle. The job lot was up for sale on fleabay on facebook, and someone had already said they would buy the lot. My mother in law added that she could be there with the cash in ten minutes. So she sniped.

My niece has outgrown her ponies, and is astounded I haven’t done the same.

My husband just knows that nothing makes me smile like surprise ponies.

In the haul were:

Gen 4: Head Cannon - Celestia (23 Oct 2016)

Celestia is a galloping alcoholic. During It’s About Time, Celestia breezes past Twilight, with a cheery, “Happy Tuesday”. She is doing the walk of shame. (And is still lightly buzzed.) She laughs inappropriately at Discord’s joke about Twilight’s flying during Make New Friends but Keep Discord. Chrysalis kicks her ass in record time in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2, this is because she’s been quaffing champagne all morning.

Shining Armor is a gormless frat boy. He calls Twilight “Twiley” in a really dazed, surfer tone. I always hear the line in This Day Aria as “the wedding he won’t make, he’ll end up marrying the cake…”

Today’s purchases:

Banana Surprise Barnacle Bright Glow Chief Chocolate Chip Fifi Fizzy Gusty Happy Glow Heart Throb Peppermint Crunch Scoops Shady Skippity Doo Strawberry Fair Sunspot Crystal Crown Fancy Free Fizzy Pop Frilly Frocks Lulabelle Marshmallow Cocoa aka Marshmallow Coco Meadowbrook Mochanut Morning Monarch Morning Monarch Rainbow Flash Rainbow Treat Silver Lining Silver Lining Sweet Breeze Sweet Breeze Thistle Whistle Tira-Mi-Su Toola-Roola Toola-Roola

eBay Woes (25 Sep 2016)

Hi thar G4 sellers. Just FYI, we know where you are. You’re in “1990-Now”. You can stop flooding our “Pre-1990” category with your zillions of sales. If we want you, we know where to find you.

Hi thar fakie sellers. Fuck off. Stop listing your shit as “Vintage Rare My Little Pony 70s/80s”. First off, there were no MLPs in the seventies. Second of all, you just bought those ugly ass fakies from Mozzers twenty minutes ago and you know they’re worthless. Or you’re really impressively stupid. Either way, GTFO of our category.

Hi thar wierdo who has listed a baby buggy with postage of £400. Do you really think anyone’s going to fall for that? Or not immediately demand a refund when they notice you’re scamming them?

Hi thar people who make no effort. Do you really think anyone wants to pay £24.99 (plus £4.50 p&p) for a battered old Posey, with flyaway hair, with only one an grainy photo (tinted alarmingly orange) to appraise her? Either list her for 99p or make an effort with your selling – clean the pony, take a nice photo. “Because bronies” is not a good enough reason to charge over the odds for something any sensible collector has at least three copies of.