Twirler (2)

Twirler    (2)

Twirler (2)

Generation 1, Dance n Prance Ponies, Year Seven (1988-1989)

Type: Unicorn • Adult • Female

Attributes: !None, Custom, Customised

Condition: Broken Action, Rehaired, Rehaired - Yarn

Status: Done

Body Colour: Pink

Hair Colour: Pink

Pose: Powder Pose

Notes: I found her in two pieces in a bait bag at my second PonyCon. I said I was going to take her home and rip out her innards and fix her. The seller said she’d had the same idea, but could never get the dance mechanism out of the body. She doesn’t have a W. Husband’s best friend is one of those people who can do anything, just to see whether he can or not. He managed to get the mechanism out without doing any damage. Then it was a case of giving her an oxy bath, using a magic eraser to get rid of all the dirt, and then giving her a puffy rehair and gluing her head on. I know she still has a hole in her chest, but I bet she’s happier than she was when she was in two parts.

It is a shame it took three years to achieve though. (My fault, not W’s.)

Added: 22 Oct 2016

Source: PonyCon 2016