Baby Cuddles (Beddy-Bye Eyes) (2)

Baby Cuddles  (Beddy-Bye Eyes)  (2)

Baby Cuddles (Beddy-Bye Eyes) (2)

Generation 1, Playset Ponies, Year Three (1984-1985)

Type: Earth Pony • Baby • Female

Attributes: Beddy-Bye Eyes

Condition: Needs a Spa Day

Status: Done

Body Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Pink

Pose: Baby BBE Earth Pose

Notes: This blinky bastard has the bloodshot eyes of a drunk. Or it’s blood from a fight. Either way: EVIL!

Also, that tutu is being reallocated to the non-blinky version of Cuddles. It’s so cute.


Added: 4 Sep 2016

Source: eBay