Star Dancer (No Cheek Symbol) (3)
Generation 1, Sparkle Ponies, Year Six (1987-1988)
Type: Earth Pony • Adult • Female
Attributes: Glitter/Sparkle Body, Hair Tinsel, Sparkle Ponies, Transparent Body
Condition: Good
Status: Done
Body Colour: Pink
Hair Colour: Blue
Pose: Sugarberry Pose
Notes: Despite needing a spa day to tame the hair, she’s in lovely condition.
A spot by my mother at a boot sale. She was told it was a real MLP, but was so incredulous (back in the day, I never had a glittery see-through pony), that she argued the seller down from 50p to 10p. Yep. My mother is a badass negotiator.
Added: 5 Sep 2016
Source: Gift from Mother