Chocolate Chip (aka Coco Berry) (Yarn Rehair) (8)

Chocolate Chip (aka Coco Berry) (Yarn Rehair)  (8)

Chocolate Chip (aka Coco Berry) (Yarn Rehair) (8)

Generation 1, Sundae Best Ponies, Year Six (1987-1988)

Type: Unicorn • Adult • Female

Attributes: 3D Symbol, Scented

Condition: Rehaired, Rehaired - Yarn, Stained

Status: Done

Body Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Pink

Pose: Powder Pose

Notes: January 2019: Her hair was badly cut and when I popped off her head, she was full of rust. So I gave her a big old Oxy bath, then rehaired her in white acrylic wool (combed and straightened). I was going to pink the hair, but I thought it looked really nice white. The marks on her face won’t come off with even acetone, so I’m not sure what to do about them. Still, she looks pretty now.

Added: 13 Oct 2018

Source: PonyCon 2018