Daddy Apple Delight (1)

Daddy Apple Delight    (1)

Daddy Apple Delight (1)

Generation 1, Loving Family Ponies, Year Seven (1988-1989)

Type: Earth Pony • Adult • Male

Attributes: Cascading Symbol, Twice as Fancy

Condition: Dry Hair

Status: Done

Body Colour: White

Hair Colour: Yellow

Pose: Quarterback Pose

Notes: Dry hair and he did have rusty butt. His head refused to come off, so I spent hours with a sharp knife trying to convince it to pop off. After an Oxy bath he was rust free, but my cuts weren’t perfect.

Edit September 2016: He started developing a stain on his back, looking very much like the Daddy Apple Delight on the Yellowing section on MLP Preservation Project. So, I sun bleached him in Hydrogen Peroxide and he came out very white indeed.

The link to the Arena suggests it was cola that caused the stain neither me nor mum have ever had fizzy drinks in the house with him. I have no idea what the problem is.

His condition doesn’t bother me, he was the first boy pony I owned and I remember that being a big deal. I always think his wife’s pose makes her look clingy.

Added: 29 Jul 1988

Source: Childhood Toy